Sentencing Council Introduces Guidelines for Food Safety Offences

As of Feb. 1, 2016, the Sentencing Council has introduced new guidelines for food safety offences – in addition to health and safety offences and corporate manslaughter.

The guidelines have been developed with the intention of providing comprehensive sentencing guidance for judges and magistrates in England and Wales charged with sentencing for the most common food safety offences.

With the implementation the new guidelines, “fines for offences [will be] fair and proportionate to the seriousness of the offence and the means of offenders.” To accomplish this, sentences vary to “reflect the very different levels of risk of harm that can result from offences.”

Because food safety offences can result in a wide range of consequences – from minor illness to hospitalization or even death – it is vital that kitchens implement proper food safety standards. Comark’s temperature monitoring solutions aid compliance with HAACP regulations and due diligence procedures, helping to eliminate the risk of a food safety offence.

Throughout the course of the supply chain, the HAACP Touch data logger gathers data and records information on all critical events, including temperature and cleaning checks – allowing for easy reporting in the event of an audit or food safety inspection. With programmable corrective actions, any waver in compliance is addressed immediately – and recorded.

Proactively addressing food safety concerns is the key to reducing the risk of putting customers in harm’s way, as well as reducing the risk of offence.

For more information about Comark Instruments, please contact us.