My Gateway isn’t E-Mailing me Notifications

If E-mails stop working, or you believe that the Gateway has stopped sending e-mails, it is important to ask swiftly but methodically to identify the source of the problem.

If the Gateway as only recently been set-up, please check that all of the e-mail addresses entered as valid, as one invalid e-mail can prevent all subsequent e-mails from being sent.

Are e-mails working on your PC and your colleagues around you? If no then please contact your IT to help diagnose the problem as it may not be related to the Gateway.

If e-mails are working normally on your PC then we need to look a little further into the Gateway(s) to find out what’s going wrong.

Log on to your Gateway(s) and check the following:

  • Navigate to ‘Administration’‘Setup E-mail’
  • Click Output’ button and review messages.
  • Confirm that offending e-mail address is correct with no typing errors.
  • Click ‘E-mail Account’ button and confirm e-mail account details are correct. If you have had a recent software/operating system update then you may need to replace the name of the Mail Server with the IP address. Contact your IT for this IP Address.
  • We would then recommend that you clear all E-Mails and send a test message using the ‘Test Message’ option.

Note: If just ONE of the stored E-Mail or SMS addresses is incorrect, it can block all subsequent outbound messages.

If you continue to have problems please contact us for further assistance.